Let Play Resident Evil 4

Let Play Resident Evil 4 Average ratng: 9,1/10 231 reviews
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Resident Evil 4 Download

Dec 08, 2018  Let's Play Resident Evil Revelations Part 5 - Resident Kinevil Jessica is up to something aboard the Queen Zenobia in this episode of our Resident Evil longplay with Mary Kish (@merrykish).

By now, you must know that RE4 completely rocks--it was EGM's 2005 Game of the Year, after all--so I won't waste your time by extolling its many virtues here. And even if you're a vet of the GC and PS2 outings, this Wii-make offers something new: RE4 action mapped to near-first-person-shooter-style controls. But moving your character with the Nunchuk's analog stick doesn't aim, it only moves your field of view, with enemies often out of view unless you wave the Remote around, holding while pressing A to shoot. Essentially, it's more complicated than it sounds, which saps some of the fun out of it. The 'Separate Ways' missions that first appeared in the PS2 version are intact and practically constitute a whole new game, which means fans aren't getting cheated, especially considering the $30 price point. But it's amazing how a game that once looked so good can look so dated after a couple years of seeing games in high-def. Reasonable doubt cd. Milky's right on the visuals--RE4 may have lost that 'holy f****ing s****' wow factor, but the sharp graphics still ably support its other awesome features: an engaging story, a deeply rewarding character and weapon upgrade system, and a truly creepy atmosphere no other game can match.

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